
General Guidelines for Fresh Applicants (Application Fee Payment and Account Creation)

Kindly follow the following Steps to create an account and begin the application process:

  1. Login to and do the following:
    1. Beside "Surname" Type your Surname/Lastname/Father's Name/Family Name (Note: This is a compulsory field)
    2. Beside "First Name" Type your First Name/Native Name Name (Note: This is a compulsory field)
    3. Beside "Other Names" Type your Other Names (if any)
    4. Beside "Email:" Type your current and active e-mail (Note: you will be required to verify this email and all notifications and communications regarding your application process shall be by e-mail. You are therefore advised to use an active e-mail that is personal and which you can always have access to. You will also not be allowed to utilize this email for another application)
    5. Beside "Mobile No:" Type your current GSM Number (requred format 080X XXX XXXX) (Note: you may be contacted by any of the University officials via this number in the course of processing your application)
    6. Beside "Faculty:" Select the faculty you are applying to (for a list of faculties, Departments and programmes visit
    7. Beside "Programmme:" Select the Programme you are applying for (Note: you are advised to select the Faculty first before selecting the Programme)
    8. Click on Start Application
    9. You will get a notification via the email you have specified that will specify your "Application Number" and "Email" you have provided. (Note: you will be required to quote this Application Number throughout the application process)
  2. You are to activate your account by doing the following:
    1. login to your email account
    2. Locate an email titled "Your Application Details" from "School of Postgraduate Studies":
    3. Open the email (Note, you may find the email in your spam messages folder)
    4. You will find your "Application Number"and "Email" specified in the e-mail:
    5. You will also find a link to activate your account.
    6. Click on the link to activate your account (Note: you will be redirected out of your email account to the applications portal.
    7. Your account will be verified and activated. You will then be redirected to a page on the applications portal to generate your RRR.
  3. Your Payment will be verified by and you will get a notification via e-mail when it is done (Note: you will not be allowed to complete the application form without this verification) you are therefore advised to check the following to ensure that your payment has been confirmed:
    1. Login to your email account
    2. You will find an email titled "Payment Confirmation" from "School of Postgraduate Studies"
    3. This is confirmation that you can now login to continue your application
    4. If you do not get the email immediately after payment, login to the application portal using your "Application Number" and "Email" to check if your payment has been approved.
    5. If Payment Status is still "PENDING" after payment has been made, click "Refresh Status" to confirm payment. (Note: If you are unable to continue your application due to non confirmation of payment, you can contact us via any of the specified e-mails or phone numbers)
  4. After "Account Verifcation" (step 2 above) and "Payment Verification" (step 3 above) you can login to the applications portal using your "Application Number" and "Email" to continue your application.

List of Available Programmes

S/N Programme Department Faculty
1 Doctor of Agri-Business Agricultural Economics Agriculture
2 M.Sc. Agricultural Economics Agricultural Economics Agriculture
3 Ph.D. Agricultural Economics Agricultural Economics Agriculture
4 Postgraduate Diploma in Agricultural Economics Agricultural Economics Agriculture
5 M.Sc. Agricultural Extension and Rural Development Agricultural Extension and Rural Development Agriculture
6 Ph.D. Agricultural Extension and Rural Development Agricultural Extension and Rural Development Agriculture
7 Postgraduate Diploma in Agricultural Extension and Rural Development Agricultural Extension and Rural Development Agriculture
8 M.Sc. Agronomy Agronomy Agriculture
9 M.Sc. Crop Production & Protection (Crop Production) Agronomy Agriculture
10 Ph.D Agronomy Agronomy Agriculture
11 Ph.D. Crop Production & Protection (Crop Production) Agronomy Agriculture
12 Postgraduate Diploma Crop Production Agronomy Agriculture
13 M.Sc. Animal Science Animal Science Agriculture
14 Ph.D. Animal Science Animal Science Agriculture
15 Postgraduate Diploma in Livestock Production and Management Animal Science Agriculture
16 M.Sc. Crop Production & Protection (Crop Protection) Crop Protection Agriculture
17 M.Sc. Crop Protection Crop Protection Agriculture
18 Ph.D. Crop Protection Crop Protection Agriculture
19 Postgraduate Diploma in Crop Protection Crop Protection Agriculture
20 M.A Arabic (Arabic Language) Arabic Studies Arts
21 M.A. Arabic (Literature) Arabic Studies Arts
22 Ph.D Arabic (Language) Arabic Studies Arts
23 Ph.D Arabic (Literature) Arabic Studies Arts
24 M.A English Language English Arts
25 M.A Literature English Arts
26 Ph.D English Language English Arts
27 Ph.D Literature English Arts
28 M.A. Hausa (Culture) Hausa Arts
29 M.A. Hausa (Language) Hausa Arts
30 M.A. Hausa (Literature) Hausa Arts
31 Ph.D. Hausa (Culture) Hausa Arts
32 Ph.D. Hausa (Language) Hausa Arts
33 Ph.D. Hausa (Literature) Hausa Arts
34 M.A. History (Economic History) History & Strategic Studies Arts
35 M.A. History (International Studies) History & Strategic Studies Arts
36 M.A. History (Political History) History & Strategic Studies Arts
37 Ph.D. History (Economic History) History & Strategic Studies Arts
38 Ph.D. History (International Studies) History & Strategic Studies Arts
39 Ph.D. History (Political History) History & Strategic Studies Arts
40 M.A Islamic Studies Islamic Studies Arts
41 Ph.D Islamic Studies Islamic Studies Arts
42 Doctor of Environmental Management Centre for Climate Change and Environmental Security (CECCEVIS) Centre for Climate Change and Environmental Security (CECCEVIS)
43 Doctor of Environmental Management (Environmental Climate Change & Development) Centre for Climate Change and Environmental Security (CECCEVIS) Centre for Climate Change and Environmental Security (CECCEVIS)
44 Doctor of Environmental Management (Environmental Impact Assessment) Centre for Climate Change and Environmental Security (CECCEVIS) Centre for Climate Change and Environmental Security (CECCEVIS)
45 Doctor of Environmental Management (Environmental Policy & Governance) Centre for Climate Change and Environmental Security (CECCEVIS) Centre for Climate Change and Environmental Security (CECCEVIS)
46 Doctor of Environmental Management (Waste Management & Toxicology) Centre for Climate Change and Environmental Security (CECCEVIS) Centre for Climate Change and Environmental Security (CECCEVIS)
47 Masters in Democracy & Governance Centre for Democracy, Peace and Conflict Resolution Centre for Democracy, Peace and Conflict Resolution
48 Masters in Leadership & Police Affairs Centre for Democracy, Peace and Conflict Resolution Centre for Democracy, Peace and Conflict Resolution
49 Masters in Peace and Conflict Resolution Centre for Democracy, Peace and Conflict Resolution Centre for Democracy, Peace and Conflict Resolution
50 Masters in Risk Management Centre for Democracy, Peace and Conflict Resolution Centre for Democracy, Peace and Conflict Resolution
51 Masters in Security Studies Centre for Democracy, Peace and Conflict Resolution Centre for Democracy, Peace and Conflict Resolution
52 Postgraduate Diploma in Civil Society Organization Centre for Democracy, Peace and Conflict Resolution Centre for Democracy, Peace and Conflict Resolution
53 Postgraduate Diploma in Democracy and Governance Centre for Democracy, Peace and Conflict Resolution Centre for Democracy, Peace and Conflict Resolution
54 Postgraduate Diploma in Leadership and Police Affairs Centre for Democracy, Peace and Conflict Resolution Centre for Democracy, Peace and Conflict Resolution
55 Postgraduate Diploma in Peace and Conflict Resolution Centre for Democracy, Peace and Conflict Resolution Centre for Democracy, Peace and Conflict Resolution
56 Postgraduate Diploma in Risk Management Centre for Democracy, Peace and Conflict Resolution Centre for Democracy, Peace and Conflict Resolution
57 Postgraduate Diploma in Security Studies Centre for Democracy, Peace and Conflict Resolution Centre for Democracy, Peace and Conflict Resolution
58 M.Sc. Computer Science Computer Science & IT Computing
59 Ph.D Computer Science Computer Science & IT Computing
60 Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Science Computer Science & IT Computing
61 M.Phil. Geography Geography and Regional Planning Earth and Environmental Sciences
62 M.Sc. Geography Geography and Regional Planning Earth and Environmental Sciences
63 Masters in Environmental Management Geography and Regional Planning Earth and Environmental Sciences
64 Masters in Geographic Information System Geography and Regional Planning Earth and Environmental Sciences
65 Ph.D. Geography Geography and Regional Planning Earth and Environmental Sciences
66 Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Management Geography and Regional Planning Earth and Environmental Sciences
67 Postgraduate Diploma in Geographic Information System Geography and Regional Planning Earth and Environmental Sciences
68 M.Ed. English Education Arts and Social Science Education Education
69 Ph.D English Education Arts and Social Science Education Education
70 M.Ed. Educational Administration and Planning Educational Administration and Planning Education
71 Ph.D Educational Administration and Planning Educational Administration and Planning Education
72 M. Ed. Curriculum & Instruction Educational Foundations Education
73 Ph.D. Curriculum & Instruction Educational Foundations Education
74 Postgraduate Diploma in Education Educational Foundations Education
75 M.Ed. Counselling Psychology Educational Psychology and Counseling Education
76 M.Ed. Educational Measurement & Evaluation Educational Psychology and Counseling Education
77 M.Ed. Educational Psychology Educational Psychology and Counseling Education
78 Ph.D Counselling Psychology Educational Psychology and Counseling Education
79 Ph.D. Educational Measurement & Evaluation Educational Psychology and Counseling Education
80 Ph.D. Educational Psychology Educational Psychology and Counseling Education
81 M.Ed. Adapted Physical Education Human Kinetics and Health Education Education
82 M.Ed. Administration and Management of Physical Education and Sports Human Kinetics and Health Education Education
83 M.Ed. Health Education Human Kinetics and Health Education Education
84 M.Sc.(Ed.) Exercise and Sport Science Human Kinetics and Health Education Education
85 Ph.D Administration and Management of Physical Education and Sports Human Kinetics and Health Education Education
86 Ph.D Exercise and Sport Science Human Kinetics and Health Education Education
87 Ph.D Health Education Human Kinetics and Health Education Education
88 Ph.D Physical Education Human Kinetics and Health Education Education
89 M.Ed. (Science Education) Science Education Education
90 M.Ed. Mathematics Education Science Education Education
91 Ph.D Mathematics Education Science Education Education
92 Ph.D Science Education Science Education Education
93 Ph.D Science Education (Biology Education) Science Education Education
94 Ph.D Science Education (Chemistry Education) Science Education Education
95 Ph.D Science Education (Physics Education) Science Education Education
96 M.Phil Biochemistry Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Life Science
97 M.Sc. Biochemistry Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Life Science
98 Master of Science (Nutrition) Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Life Science
99 Masters in Community and Public Health Nutrition (M.CPN) Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Life Science
100 Ph.D. Biochemistry Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Life Science
101 Postgraduate Diploma in Biochemistry Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Life Science
102 Postgraduate Diploma in Nutrition Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Life Science
103 M.Sc. Biology (Ecology and Environmental Biology) Biological Sciences Life Science
104 M.Sc. Biology (Fisheries and Hydrobiology) Biological Sciences Life Science
105 M.Sc. Biology (Medical Entomology) Biological Sciences Life Science
106 M.Sc. Biology (Parasitology and Public Health) Biological Sciences Life Science
107 Ph.D Biology (Ecology and Environmental Biology) Biological Sciences Life Science
108 Ph.D Biology (Fisheries and Hydrobiology) Biological Sciences Life Science
109 Ph.D. Biology (Medical Entomology) Biological Sciences Life Science
110 Ph.D. Biology (Parasitology and Public Health) Biological Sciences Life Science
111 Postgraduate Diploma in Parasitology and Public Health Biological Sciences Life Science
112 Postgraduate Diploma in Plant Science and Biotechnology Biological Sciences Life Science
113 M.Sc. Microbiology (Environmental Microbiology) Microbiology Life Science
114 M.Sc. Microbiology (Food/Industrial Microbiology) Microbiology Life Science
115 M.Sc. Microbiology (Medical Microbiology) Microbiology Life Science
116 M.Sc. Microbiology (Pharmaceutical Microbiology) Microbiology Life Science
117 Ph.D. Microbiology (Environmental Microbiology) Microbiology Life Science
118 Ph.D. Microbiology (Food/Industrial Microbiology) Microbiology Life Science
119 Ph.D. Microbiology (Medical Microbiology) Microbiology Life Science
120 Ph.D. Microbiology (Pharmaceutical Microbiology) Microbiology Life Science
121 Postgraduate Diploma in Microbiology Microbiology Life Science
122 M.Sc. Plant Science (Plant Biotechnology) Plant Science and Biotechnology Life Science
123 M.Sc. Plant Science (Plant Pathology) Plant Science and Biotechnology Life Science
124 M.Sc. Plant Science (Plant Systematics and Taxonomy) Plant Science and Biotechnology Life Science
125 Ph.D Plant Science (Plant Systematics and Taxonomy) Plant Science and Biotechnology Life Science
126 Ph.D. Plant Science (Plant Biotechnology) Plant Science and Biotechnology Life Science
127 Ph.D. Plant Science (Plant Pathology) Plant Science and Biotechnology Life Science
128 Postgraduate Diploma in Plant Science and Biotechnology Plant Science and Biotechnology Life Science
129 Doctor of Credit and Financial Risk Management Accounting Management Sciences
130 Doctor of Finance Accounting Management Sciences
131 Doctor of Public Sector Accounting Accounting Management Sciences
132 Doctor of Taxation Accounting Management Sciences
133 M.Sc. Accounting Accounting Management Sciences
134 Master in Accounting and Financial Management Accounting Management Sciences
135 Ph.D Accounting Accounting Management Sciences
136 Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting Finance Accounting Management Sciences
137 Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) Business Management Management Sciences
138 Doctor of Enterprise Resource Planning Business Management Management Sciences
139 Doctor of Human Resource Management Business Management Management Sciences
140 Doctor of Logistics/Supply Chain Management Business Management Management Sciences
141 Doctor of Marketing Communications Business Management Management Sciences
142 M.Sc. Business Administration Business Management Management Sciences
143 Master of Business Administration Business Management Management Sciences
144 Ph.D. Business Administration Business Management Management Sciences
145 Postgraduate Diploma in Business Management Business Management Management Sciences
146 M.Phil. Analytical Chemistry Chemistry Physical Sciences
147 M.Phil. Inorganic Chemistry Chemistry Physical Sciences
148 M.Phil. Organic Chemistry Chemistry Physical Sciences
149 M.Phil. Physical Chemistry Chemistry Physical Sciences
150 M.Sc. Analytical Chemistry Chemistry Physical Sciences
151 M.Sc. Environmental Chemistry Chemistry Physical Sciences
152 M.Sc. Inorganic Chemistry Chemistry Physical Sciences
153 M.Sc. Organic Chemistry Chemistry Physical Sciences
154 M.Sc. Physical Chemistry Chemistry Physical Sciences
155 Ph.D. Analytical Chemistry Chemistry Physical Sciences
156 Ph.D. Inorganic Chemistry Chemistry Physical Sciences
157 Ph.D. Organic Chemistry Chemistry Physical Sciences
158 Ph.D. Physical Chemistry Chemistry Physical Sciences
159 PhD. Environmental Chemistry Chemistry Physical Sciences
160 Postgraduate Diploma in Analytical Chemistry Chemistry Physical Sciences
161 Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Chemistry Chemistry Physical Sciences
162 Postgraduate Diploma in Forensic and Instrumental Methods in Chemistry Chemistry Physical Sciences
163 M.Sc. Industrial Chemistry Industrial Chemistry Physical Sciences
164 Ph.D. Industrial Chemistry Industrial Chemistry Physical Sciences
165 M.Phil. Applied Mathematics Mathematics Physical Sciences
166 M.Phil. Pure Mathematics Mathematics Physical Sciences
167 M.Sc. Mathematics (Applied Mathematics) Mathematics Physical Sciences
168 M.Sc. Mathematics (Pure Mathematics) Mathematics Physical Sciences
169 Ph.D Mathematics (Applied Mathematics) Mathematics Physical Sciences
170 Ph.D Mathematics (Pure Mathematics) Mathematics Physical Sciences
171 Postgraduate Diploma in Mathematics Mathematics Physical Sciences
172 M.Phil. Physics (Applied Geophysics) Physics Physical Sciences
173 M.Phil. Physics (Atmospheric/Communication Physics) Physics Physical Sciences
174 M.Phil. Physics (Material Solid State Physics) Physics Physical Sciences
175 M.Phil. Physics (Nuclear Physics) Physics Physical Sciences
176 M.Phil. Physics (Radiation-Biophysics) Physics Physical Sciences
177 M.Phil. Physics (Theoretical/Computational Physics) Physics Physical Sciences
178 M.Phil. Physics with Electronics Physics Physical Sciences
179 M.Sc. Physics (Applied Geophysics) Physics Physical Sciences
180 M.Sc. Physics (Atmospheric/Communication Physics) Physics Physical Sciences
181 M.Sc. Physics (Material/Solid State Physics) Physics Physical Sciences
182 M.Sc. Physics (Nuclear Physics) Physics Physical Sciences
183 M.Sc. Physics (Radiation-Biophysics) Physics Physical Sciences
184 M.Sc. Physics (Theoretical/Computational Physics) Physics Physical Sciences
185 M.Sc. Physics with Electronics Physics Physical Sciences
186 Ph.D. Physics (Applied Geophysics) Physics Physical Sciences
187 Ph.D. Physics (Atmospheric/Communication Physics) Physics Physical Sciences
188 Ph.D. Physics (Material/Solid State Physics) Physics Physical Sciences
189 Ph.D. Physics (Nuclear Physics) Physics Physical Sciences
190 Ph.D. Physics (Radiation-Biophysics) Physics Physical Sciences
191 Ph.D. Physics (Theoretical/Computational Physics) Physics Physical Sciences
192 Ph.D. Physics with Electronics Physics Physical Sciences
193 Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Physics with Electronics Physics Physical Sciences
194 Postgraduate Diploma in Physics Physics Physical Sciences
195 Postgraduate Diploma in Statistics Statistics Physical Sciences
196 M.Sc. Fisheries & Aquaculture Fisheries and Aquaculture Renewable Natural Resources
197 Ph.D. Fisheries & Aquaculture Fisheries and Aquaculture Renewable Natural Resources
198 Postgraduate Diploma in Fisheries and Aquaculture Fisheries and Aquaculture Renewable Natural Resources
199 M.Sc. Food Science & Technology Food Science and Technology Renewable Natural Resources
200 Ph.D. Food Science & Technology Food Science and Technology Renewable Natural Resources
201 Postgraduate Diploma in Food Science & Technology Food Science and Technology Renewable Natural Resources
202 M.Sc. Forestry & Wildlife (Agroforestry/Soils) Forestry and Wildlife Management Renewable Natural Resources
203 M.Sc. Forestry & Wildlife (Forest Biology/Silviculture) Forestry and Wildlife Management Renewable Natural Resources
204 M.Sc. Forestry & Wildlife (Forest Resources Economics and Policy) Forestry and Wildlife Management Renewable Natural Resources
205 M.Sc. Forestry & Wildlife (Forest Resources Management) Forestry and Wildlife Management Renewable Natural Resources
206 M.Sc. Forestry & Wildlife (Wildlife Conservation and Management) Forestry and Wildlife Management Renewable Natural Resources
207 Ph.D. Forestry & Wildlife (Agroforestry/Soils) Forestry and Wildlife Management Renewable Natural Resources
208 Ph.D. Forestry & Wildlife (Forest Biology/Silviculture) Forestry and Wildlife Management Renewable Natural Resources
209 Ph.D. Forestry & Wildlife (Forest Resources Economics and Policy) Forestry and Wildlife Management Renewable Natural Resources
210 Ph.D. Forestry & Wildlife (Forest Resources Management) Forestry and Wildlife Management Renewable Natural Resources
211 Ph.D. Forestry & Wildlife (Wildlife Conservation and Management) Forestry and Wildlife Management Renewable Natural Resources
212 Postgraduate Diploma in Forestry Forestry and Wildlife Management Renewable Natural Resources
213 Postgraduate Diploma in Wildlife Conservation and Management Forestry and Wildlife Management Renewable Natural Resources
214 Doctor of Economic Policy Management Economics & Development Studies Social Sciences
215 M.Sc. Economics Economics & Development Studies Social Sciences
216 Ph.D Economics Economics & Development Studies Social Sciences
217 M.Sc. Information Science Library and Information Science Social Sciences
218 Master in Archives and Records Management (MARM) Library and Information Science Social Sciences
219 Master in Information Management (MIM) Library and Information Science Social Sciences
220 Master in Library and Information Science (M.LIS.) Library and Information Science Social Sciences
221 Postgraduate Diploma in Information Management (PGDIM) Library and Information Science Social Sciences
222 Doctor of Public Leadership Political Science Social Sciences
223 Doctor of Public Relations Political Science Social Sciences
224 M.Sc. Political Science Political Science Social Sciences
225 Ph.D. Political Science Political Science Social Sciences
226 M.Sc. Sociology Sociology Social Sciences
227 Ph.D Sociology Sociology Social Sciences
228 Doctor of Business Leadership Centre for Innovation and Development Sultanate Centre for Economic Reserach & Development
229 Doctor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Centre for Innovation and Development Sultanate Centre for Economic Reserach & Development
230 Doctor of Ethics and Sustainable Development Centre for Innovation and Development Sultanate Centre for Economic Reserach & Development
231 Masters in Islamic Finance and Development Centre for Innovation and Development Sultanate Centre for Economic Reserach & Development
232 Masters of Development Studies Centre for Innovation and Development Sultanate Centre for Economic Reserach & Development